Aug 2018 – What brings Meaning to One’s Life? (Part 1)

Yes, that’s a big question!  And definitely not a question that can be simply answered in a single blog post.  Feel free to pause as your reflect on – “What makes my life meaningful?”  You might want to consider what gives you a sense of purpose.  Or perhaps, what are the most important things in your life?  You could also tune into what makes you feel alive, what brings you joy, or even what keeps you going when things are tough. If you’re struggling with your life meaning at this moment, feel free to think back to a time when your life felt more meaningful.

Research confirms that the presence of meaning-in-life is a central aspect of our well-being.1 It has been associated with positive conditions such as a happiness, effective coping, good self-esteem, and a longer lifespan to name a few.

Another study of life meaning across multiple generations of people identified three key themes: (a) relationships, (b) achievement, and (c) transcendence beyond one’s self2. Relationships, not surprisingly, have been a central theme of positive psychology3. In a nutshell, “Other People Matter”4.  Achievement is not simply defined by accomplishments valued by society5. It also includes personal definitions of what is meaningful.  Finally, self-transcendence is associated with going beyond the limits of one’s self to include aspects such as spirituality and a focus on others.

These areas can and often do overlap. For instance, parenting can provide a strong sense of life meaning via relationships with our children, a sense of accomplishment in raising them, and having a focus that goes beyond ourselves.

These three areas do not provide a definitive formula for meaning-in-life.  Naturally, a variety of things provide life meaning for each of us.  Instead, think of these areas as three potential core ingredients for a meaningful life.  As shown in my doctoral research, there are no “one-size-fits-all” recipes for well-being6. What brings meaning to your life is naturally personal.  And don’t be surprised it shifts with time as you grow and develop.

Want to learn more about a meaningful life?  Check out positive psychology meaning guru Dr. Mike Steger’s awesome TED Talk on What Makes Life Meaningful?


  1. Steger, Shin, Shim, & Fitch-Martin, 2013
  2. Wong, 1998
  3. Ryan & Deci, 2000; Ryff, 1989; Seligman, 2011
  4. Peterson, 2008
  5. Synard & Gazzola, 2017
  6. Synard, 2016; Synard & Gazzola, 2017